2022-2023 Class Days
The Scottsdale Leadership Program is a nine-month immersive program consisting of these 15 interrelated topic-focused days.

Friday, September 16, 2022
“Welcome Day”
The newly selected Class 37 comes together to meet one another. Using the innovative Emergenetics program, insights are gained as to the most effective ways to guide, coach and support each other, by understanding more about ourselves.
Friday, September 30, 2022
“History Day”
Discovery about the unique circumstances and founding leaders who have helped shape Scottsdale into what it is today. Includes hearing from local historians and touring exciting locations such as Taliesin West and historic McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park.
Friday, October 14, 2022
“SRPMIC Day” [Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community]
Learning about the social and cultural values and achievements of our neighbors to the east, and as communities do not exist in isolation of each other, the economic and cultural impacts we share.
Friday, October 28, 2022
“City Government Day”
Learning the ins and outs of how the City of Scottsdale operates, from meeting the Mayor and members of City Council, to taking on a local zoning case, insights are gained about how our city functions, and how citizens can participate in that process.
Friday, November 4, 2022
“Sustainability Day”
What better way to learn about sustaining our environment than an immersive hike through the McDowell Sonoran Preserve! Then, as water sustainability is integral to our community, another walk allows for learning about the technically sophisticated systems within the Scottsdale Water Department.
Friday, November 18, 2022
“Diversity Day”
Hearing from experts in Diversity and Inclusion brings an opportunity for understanding more about how we can better communicate with each other in a more effective manner which then leads to cooperation, reflection and enrichment gained from varying viewpoints.
Friday, January 13, 2023
“Human Services Day”
Insightful learning about making a difference and offering support for Scottsdale residents in need through community programs that allow us all to be better able to serve, including: Family Advocacy Center; Youth and Family Services; and Adaptive Services.
Friday, January 27, 2023
“Education Day”
Guided by an award winning Scottsdale Unified School District Principal, a glimpse into the day in the life of a Principal is shared, as well as insights into the challenges faced at this time by Special Education Specialists, Gifted Specialists and educators in general.
Friday, February 3, 2023
“Economic Development Day”
What makes the economic engine of Scottsdale run, and who runs it? Experts share what is being done to invest in a healthy, growing local economy and quality of life for residents, and lend insight as to what is in store for the future.
Friday, February 24, 2023
“Public Safety / Fire Day”
A perennial class favorite, this day of continuous experiencial, hands-on learning includes actually wearing the firefighter turn out gear and handling a firehose, going through a ‘smoke house’ to learn how victims can be found with infrared technology, and more!
Friday, March 10, 2023
“Public Safety / Police Day”
Immersive learning about our public safety continues as police department experts demonstrate many specialized techniques including police dogs in action, how our SWAT team prepares and operates, and much more, all bringing a deeper appreciation for those who keep our community safe.
Friday, March 24, 2023
“Healthcare Day”
Learning about healthcare within our community includes the opportunity to tour some of the world-class medical facilities we are fortunate to have in Scottsdale, and and to learn from experts in cutting edge fields about innovative medical advancements being made.
Friday, April 14, 2023
“Arts Day”
An important component of our community’s tourism and economy, the cultural Arts in Scottsdale are explored, from their historical past, to contemporary events and installations including behind-the-scenes tours of some of our performance theaters and museums.
Friday, April 28, 2023
“Leadership Emerging Day”
A culmination day of exploring how the valuable leadership skills learned can be applied to the many aspects of Scottsdale which have been explored, and to learn where and how we can become involved in leading our community into the future.
Friday, May 12, 2023
“Graduation / Community Project Showcase”
The pinnacle celebration event of the Scottsdale Leadership Program, community project teams present the results of their efforts, showcasing how they have left the city a better place because of their achievements.